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Train the Trainer

A great trainer and facilitator can inspire, engage, and enable with both effectiveness and efficiency. 


In this program, individuals will :

  • Gain practical insights into the psychology of learning
  • Learn skills to facilitate training

  • Develop ways to champion and communicate with enthusiasm to teams

  • Be able to deliver content in a relevant and engaging manner

  • Gain confidence to facilitate and train internal teams

  • Build empathy and listening skills

  • Be able to ask powerful questions to aid learning



- To support individuals get great at training delivery

- To support technical experts to train new members and collaborators in an effective way


The structure of the intervention includes:  

  • A 2-day Workshop

  • Coaching  sessions


Who is this for?

Any professional who

  • Trains within the organisation

  • is an L&D professional

  • is a technical expert/manager, and has volunteered to train other members in the organisation


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