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High Performing Teams

Creating and sustaining high performing teams is the challenge of our times.


In many ways, a dysfunctional team is like an iceberg. We may see the behaviours associated with the dysfunction, but we may not see the underlying causes of those behaviours because those causes and issues are “below the waterline.”


Some of the issues that lie below the waterline are:

  • The absence of trust

  • The fear of conflict

  • The lack of commitment

  • Avoidance of accountability

  • Inattention to results  *Patrick Lencioni, The FIVE Dysfunctions of a TEAM


Creating an environment to support and foster a high functioning team is critical. We work with the team to create an enabling climate by creating a

- Strong structure/alignment

- Shared mindset

- Supportive Context

- Compelling Direction



- Create cohesive teams

- Enhance the synergy and energy of the team

- Identify and build conditions that increase cohesion and performance in the team

- Reduce wastage of resources within the team


The structure of the intervention includes:  

  • Action Learning Projects

  • Workshops

  • Diagnosis

  • Stakeholder Dialogues

  • Support and Coaching


Who is this for?

  • Teams aspiring to become high performing

  • High performing teams

  • Teams of specialists


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