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Our team of coaches are highly experienced in using a range of assessments and instruments. These instruments help in increasing self awareness, identifying strengths to build on and identifying development areas. This contributes to increasing potential, performance and well being at work, while decreasing the entropy and interferences that may exist.


Some of the modalities we use

- Assessment debrief and Coaching

- Development Centres

- Leadership 360 and Feedback

- Culture transformation tools

- Diagnostic instruments like The Leadership Circle (TLC), Hogan suite of assessments, Integrative Enneagram, Workplace Big 5 Profile, Benchmarks, Barrett Value Culture transformation, MBTI, DISC profile among others

- Customised 360 surveys


Who is this for?

  • Leadership development across the organisation

  • Organisation-wide talent development

  • Emerging and High Potential Talent

  • High Performing Teams

  • Cross-Cultural Teams

  • Women in Leadership

  • New Talent


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